"A Transformational Healing Process has begun on the planet Earth. Due to a profound change that has taken place in the energy field of Collective Human Emotional Consciousness, resources are now available to us to do healing that has never before been possible in recorded human history. Human beings now, for the first time, have the capacity to directly address the core issues of the human dilemma."
"The conditions on the planet have changed! That is the Joyous news that I have to share with you. The dance is changing. Since before the dawn of recorded history, the dance of life for humans has been primarily one of survival, of endurance, of suffering.
We have now entered a very special time in human history. An Age of Healing and Joy has dawned in human consciousness on this planet. We now have tools, knowledge, and most importantly, clearer access to healing energy and Spiritual guidance than has ever before been available in recorded human history on this planet.
The dance is changing. A Transformational Healing Process has begun on planet Earth. We have begun the process of breaking out of the vicious, self-perpetuating cycles of destructive behavior that humans have been trapped in for thousands of years. The destructive dance is changing into a dance of healing."
"Humans have always searched for our Spiritual connection. Every human who has ever lived on this planet has ached for, yearned for, Spiritual full-fill-ment. Every human who is not in denial feels the hole inside that comes from Spiritual dis-ease, from feeling disconnected from our Spiritual Source.
What is so wonderful, what is so Joyous and exciting, is that we now have clearer access to our Spiritual Higher Consciousness than ever before in recorded human history. And through that Higher Self to the Universal Creative God-Force.
Each and every one of us has an inner channel. We now have the capability to atone which means tune into to atone, to tune into the Higher Consciousness. To tune into the Higher vibrational emotional energies that are Joy, Light, Truth, Beauty, and Love.
We can tune into the Truth of "at ONE ness." Atone = at ONE. Atonement = at ONE ment, in a condition of ONENESS.
We now have access to the highest vibrational frequencies - we can tune into the Truth of ONENESS. By aligning with Truth we are tuning into the higher energy vibrations that reconnect us with the Truth of ONENESS.
This is the age of atonement, but it does not have anything to do with judgment and punishment. It has to do with tuning our inner channel into the right frequencies."
"The goal in this Age of Healing and Joy is integration and balance. To integrate the Spiritual Truth into our physical experience so that we can fill the hole inside and find wholeness within. As we integrate our True Spiritual nature into our relationship with our physical being we can begin to achieve some balance and harmony with and between all of the parts of our being.
This age is a time for growing and learning, a time to become conscious of the True nature of the Source Energy, a time of Spiritual Awakening. We have been given the wonder-full gift of having the ability and the tools to start integrating the Truth of a Loving Universal Force into our day-to-day experience of life. We now have the knowledge and guidance that we need to start bringing some balance to our relationships - with ourselves and our God/Goddess, with other people and the planet - so that we can live in a way that allows us to experience some Peace and Love on our life path.
We can heal our wounded souls enough to change the dance of life from a dance of endurance and suffering to a dance that celebrates living. We now have access to the power to transform the dance of Codependence to a dance of healing and Joy."
The following is an excerpt from Codependence: The Dance of Wounded Souls by Robert Burney
"We have been doing this human business backwards. The reason we have been doing it backwards is that the energy field of Collective Human Emotional Consciousness on planet Earth was reversed in its relationship to Truth for tens of thousands of years. It is not reversed anymore!
As I stated earlier, the knowledge that we need to understand the larger perspective has been unfolding in all areas of human endeavor. That includes the field of molecular biology. Biologists have discovered a phenomenon that is mind-boggling. They call it a morphogenetic field, or M-field. This is an energy field of consciousness. They have discovered energy fields of consciousness exist not only for animals but also for objects we think of as inanimate, such as crystals.
A biologist named Lyall Watson coined a term having to do with this phenomenon. That term is the "hundredth monkey effect." This is the story of how the term came about, as related in Beyond The Quantum by Michael Talbot.
Biologists found that principles which were known to apply in physics also applied in biology in certain ways. An electromagnetic energy field can only accept a certain amount of energy of a reversed polarity - that is, if the energy is positive it can only accept so much negative and vice-versa - until it reaches a decisive point that is called critical mass. When a negative energy field reaches critical mass it reverses and the whole field goes positive.
What these biologists discovered is that an energy field of consciousness existed for these monkeys, and that when enough of the monkeys, the "hundredth monkey," had adopted a new survival technique, their energy field of consciousness reached a point of critical mass and altered to make that new technique, that new survival tool, available to all of the monkeys of that species.
Energy fields of consciousness exist. Energy fields of intellectual and emotional consciousness for humans exist in relationship to every type of relationship, of interaction, that humans experience.
Each human being is an energy field, made up of interacting atomic and molecular energy fields. When people come together they form a group energy field. Groups have incredible power because they form a more powerful energy field than an individual does. It is sometimes easier to access the higher vibrational transcendent emotions in a group than as an individual.
That is why it feels good, why it feels like the energy is powerful and positive in most Twelve Step meetings, and in some churches and Spiritual gatherings, because it is. It is a higher vibrational energy field.
Whenever two or more are gathered in the name of Love and Truth, in the name of healing, there is incredible power.
Any single soul's evolution, its awakening, affects all souls because we are all connected. We can, like Imo the genius monkey, create a space, create a new level - a new aspect - of consciousness that other humans then have access to. It is not any accident that most great inventions, most great breakthroughs, were formulated in more than one location in the same time period. Once one breaks through and creates the space, others may follow.
A single soul's healing advances the healing of all souls - imagine the power of two or more.
The effects of group healing and awakening ripple out through human consciousness to affect all Souls. It ripples out in geometric proportion.
The energy field of Collective Human Emotional Consciousness on this planet was reversed in relationship to the Truth of the God-Force because of the polarization of the energy field of Collective Human Intellectual Consciousness.
The Lower Mind.
Polarization, the tree of knowledge of good and evil, caused humans to see life, both externally and internally, as a battle of warring polar opposites: black and white thinking.
The polarization of the Lower Mind caused the connection to the Higher Mind to be weakened. It caused static and distortion to disrupt the channel between human self and Spiritual Self.
This polarization created the illusion of disconnection, of separation. It caused the Spiritual Beings who were in human body at the time to start focusing on the external reality of the illusion so much that they did not even notice that they were losing their connection to the God-Force. They eventually forgot that they were connected to the God-Force and began to believe that they were individual human beings who existed as entities separate from an external Source. They forgot that the power that they had access to came from the Spirit and not just from themselves. Eventually, (after The Flood) they would even come to believe that they had the power to cause separation - that they were powerful enough to have done something so bad that God would abandon and punish them.
The Truth is that we are powerless to separate from the God-Force because separation is an illusion. Free will is an illusion on the highest level. No being has the power to separate from the ONENESS of God.
It is necessary and healthy to take responsibility for our choices, to accept our consequences, and to try to make healthy decisions on a human level. Integration and balance involves a process of learning to accept healthy responsibility on a human level at the same time that we know we are being guided by a Loving Spiritual Force.
The Force is with us!
It does not mean we can sit back and do nothing. It also does not mean we have to do everything. Either way is out of balance. We have to plant the seeds, and nurture the garden. It is in the growth that the miracle occurs. Whether or not the seed becomes a rose is in the Great Spirit's hands. We are powerless to turn a seed into a rose without the Goddess.
We are powerless out of human ego-self over this life business. We have access to all of the power in the Universe out of our Spiritual Self - out of our Spiritual connection to Higher Consciousness.
As a direct result of polarization, the energy field of Collective Human Emotional Consciousness on the planet - which was then in positive alignment with Truth - started to become polluted with negative energy. The human race increasingly manifested behavior that was in opposition, was reversed, to the Truth of Love - until that energy field of emotional consciousness reached critical mass in relationship to Truth, and reversed from a polarity that was in positive alignment with the Truth of the God-Force to a polarity that was negative, that was reversed.
I stated earlier that Codependence was a new name for the tune that we have been dancing to. What it used to be called was the war between good and evil.
Evil is the negative polarity. It is that which is reversed to the Truth of the Goddess. It is doing life backwards.
The word evil is live spelled backwards.
There are no accidents, no coincidences.
Evil is an illusion. Maya is a Hindu word that means both illusion and evil. Evil only exists within The Illusion. Evil always was an illusion within The Illusion.
A war between God and the forces of evil is a ridiculous concept. War is evil: It is reversed to the Truth of Love. How could a good God engage in evil, reversed activity, to fight evil which is the illusionary effect of "reversity"?!
Why would an all-powerful Creative Source need to fight anything? It is a ridiculous concept that only had power because the human perspective on life was polarized and reversed."
"We are living in a glorious new age in which we have been given the tools and knowledge that we need to heal our relationships with ourselves, with our mothers (and fathers), with Mother Earth, and with the Holy Mother Source Energy.
We are now breaking the cycles of destructive behavior that have dictated human existence. We can now access healing energy and Spiritual guidance that has never before been available in recorded human history - if we are willing to feel and release the rage and the grief, to heal the emotional wounds." - Column "Mother's Day" by Robert Burney
A Transformational Healing Process has begun
All old souls are now doing accelerated Karmic settlement
Jesus, in my opinion, was the most important Master Teacher
Truths expand and grow as we expand and grow
I believe that there is a Loving Force, a benevolent
There is a principle which is a bar against all information
To give out shame bearing black and white messages
The reversed condition of the energy field of Collective
I count my conscious codependency recovery as starting
Emotions are real. Emotions are energy that is
My resistance to opening up to receive Love would cause